Pest Control
Serving the Community Since 1968

(586) 772-7248

14530 E 9 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48089

(248) 548-3030

Berkley & Surrounding Areas
Pest Control
Serving the Community Since 1968

(586) 772-7248

14530 E 9 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48089

(248) 548-3030

Berkley & Surrounding Areas

Bees, Wasp, Hornets

Business & Home Pest Control Solution

Protection from Bees, Wasps, and Hornet Stings

National Pest Management Association reported that over 500,000 people and pets are hospitalized because of Bee, Wasp, and Hornet stings every year. A Prevention Service will prevent bees and wasps from establishing nests in, on, and around your home or business. Protect your family, pets, and loved ones from unprovoked Bee, Wasp, and Hornet stings. The best way to stop stinging insects from coming around your home or business is to get a professional treatment and/or a Prevention Service. Contact us if you have a stinging insect problem!

5 Tips for Protection from Bees, Wasps, and Hornet Stings

1. A licensed technician will inspect your home or business for Bees, Wasps, Bald-faced Hornets, Yellow Jackets, and Carpenter Bee Nests. Several prevention packages will remove existing nests. Make sure you get a professional company that specializes and gives you a guarantee for the service provided.

2. Inspect your home or business for Bee, Wasp, Hornet, Yellow Jacket, and Carpenter Bee Nests. Also, check your eaves, shrubbery, and trees for bee or wasp nests.

3. Put food into a container with a lid. Also, use a drinking cup with a lid and straw because Bees and Wasps need protein, and they are constantly looking for food or sugary drinks.

4. Avoid floral and bright clothing because they attract bees and wasps. Stinging insects like white and yellow colors, but they cannot detect the color red.

5. Finally, if you encounter a bee or wasp do not swing or make any aggressive action. If you attempt to control Bees and Wasps yourself, be sure to read and follow the label provided. Do not spray or caulk into a crack or hole if you cannot see any nest activity.

Common Nesting Sites

Yellow Jacket

Yellow Jacket
Yellow jacket nests are most commonly found below ground in old rodent burrows but can also be found in trees, shrubs, inside walls and attics.

Paper Wasps
Paper wasp nests are found under any horizontal surface such as decks and patios but can also be found in garages and sheds.

Honey bees

Honey Bees
Honey bee nests are made from a series of honey combs made of wax. These are mostly manufactured hives but can also be found in trees and buildings.


Bumble Bees
Bumble bee nesting sites include old mice burrows and building cavities.

Pest Control Services

We have the right solution for you.

One-Time Service

Great Lakes Pest Control Company offers one time services to target a single pest. While prevention is recommended, we understand that sometimes you have a problem that can be solved with one visit. Our technicians will work with you to decide if your pest problems can be solved on an as-needed basis or if there is a bigger issue at hand.

Service Programs

Prevention is always better than procrastination. Annual programs from Great Lakes Pest Control Company will ensure your family, home, or businesses are safe and pest free. We offer a variety of service programs to best fit your home or businesses unique needs. Contact us to learn more!