Pest Control
Serving the Community Since 1968

(586) 772-7248

14530 E 9 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48089

(248) 548-3030

Berkley & Surrounding Areas
Pest Control
Serving the Community Since 1968

(586) 772-7248

14530 E 9 Mile Rd Warren, MI 48089

(248) 548-3030

Berkley & Surrounding Areas


Business & Home Pest Control Solution

Ticks Pest Control

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta indicates ticks are the number one arthropod transmitter of disease in the United States. The diseases transmitted by ticks which cause most concern is Lyme disease. Besides the disease risk associated with ticks, tick bites on humans and pets can be painful and can cause permanent marks. The best way to protect your family from ticks is to stop bites before they happen. Contact Great Lakes Pest Control Company to help protect you and your family from those pesky, potentially dangerous, and unwanted bites.


Michigan 5 Common Ticks

Listed here is a ranked order of the ticks most likely to bite humans in Michigan.

American Dog Tick

American Dog Tick
American dog ticks are brown-red in color. Female adults have prominent, off-white markings on the upper end of their bodies. American dog ticks are most active among leaf litter, tall grass, or shrubs in areas without much tree cover. They can transmit tularemia and rocky mountain spotted fever. Exposure to these ticks is most likely to occur during spring and early summer.

Blacklegged Deer Tick

Blacklegged (Deer) Ticks
The blacklegged (deer) tick is a notorious biting arachnid named for its dark legs. Blacklegged ticks are sometimes called deer ticks because their preferred adult host is the white-tailed deer. In the Midwest, blacklegged ticks are called the bear ticks. This tick is of medical importance because of its ability to transmit Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, human babesiosis, Powassan encephalitis, and more.

Lone Star Tick
The lone star tick gets its name from the single silvery-white spot located on the female’s back. These ticks attack humans more frequently than any other tick species in the eastern and southeastern states. Lone star tick bites will occasionally result in a circular rash, and they can transmit diseases. It is essential that lone star tick removal start immediately. It can transmit ehrlichiosis, tularemia, and Rocky mountain spotted fever.

Woodchuck Tick
Found most commonly on pets throughout Michigan. Usually found near dens of skunks and woodchucks, will bite companion animals near animal dens and occasionally humans. Woodchuck ticks are generally considered a nuisance and do not transmit Lyme disease. They can, however, transmit Powassan virus, a potentially deadly tick-borne illness.

brown deer tick

Brown Dog Tick
The Brown Dog tick gets its common name from its overall reddish brown color, and because it is commonly found on domestic dogs. Although this species is most commonly encountered indoors and in kennels, it typically does not bite humans. However, it will do so in the absence of a canine host on rare occasions. If found on a dog or other animal, the brown dog tick should be removed as soon as possible. Occasionally found in Michigan and may also transmit Rocky mountain spotted fever to humans.

Tick Prevention Tips

Ticks generally prefer shady, moist areas in wooded and grassy locations. Be extra vigilant in warmer months (April-September) when ticks are most active.

– When recreating or working in areas with ticks, try to stay on well groomed trails and avoid contact with overgrown grass, brush
and leaf litter.

– Perform daily tick checks after being outdoors, even in your own yard. Use a handheld or full-length mirror to inspect all parts of your body carefully, including your armpits, scalp, and groin.

Pest Control Services

We have the right solution for you.

One-Time Service

Great Lakes Pest Control Company offers one time services to target a single pest. While prevention is recommended, we understand that sometimes you have a problem that can be solved with one visit. Our technicians will work with you to decide if your pest problems can be solved on an as-needed basis or if there is a bigger issue at hand.

Service Programs

Prevention is always better than procrastination. Annual programs from Great Lakes Pest Control Company will ensure your family, home, or businesses are safe and pest free. We offer a variety of service programs to best fit your home or businesses unique needs. Contact us to learn more!